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Yi Yang, PhD

Yi Yang, PhD is a postdoctoral fellow at Cambridge Health Alliance/Harvard Medical School Department of Psychiatry, providing individual, couples, and group psychotherapy. Dr. Yang studied Psychology and Law in China and received a Master’s in Experimental Psychology at Oxford University, a PhD in Developmental Psychology at Cornell University, and a post-doctoral re-specialization in Clinical Psychology at the University of Massachusetts-Amherst.


During her internship at Massachusetts Mental Health Center/Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Dr. Yang was trained in DBT for personality disorders and CBT for psychosis in addition to psychodynamic psychotherapy. Dr. Yang cofounded the Chinese Visiting Scholar Association at Cornell University to facilitate visiting scholars’ cultural adjustment, to stimulate interdisciplinary collaborations, and to deepen scholarly dialogues between scholars and students.


She developed a community outreach project in collaboration with the UMass-Amherst International Programs Office, providing screening, consultation, and referral services to international students, scholars, and families. She has been invited to speak about psychotherapy in intersection with mindfulness and Original Buddhism. She has publications in psychology, literature, and law. She was awarded the American Psychological Association Division 39 Multicultural Concerns Committee Scholar, the American Psychoanalytic Association Fellow, and the Chinese Government Award for Outstanding Students Abroad.

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